Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Suzanne Clothier is coming back to Calgary in April 2013

Registrations are open and Early Bird Fees are in effect until February 1st 2013. Wags unlimited is Proud to be hosting Suzanne Clothier again as she is coming back to do another seminar for us April 13-14, 2013. (Held at Sit Happens! in Calgary, Alberta)
This will be a fantastic weekend for anyone interested in taking their dog-reading ability to the next level. Full registration info can be found here.

Saturday April 13th 9am-5pm: Observation Skills
A day of Exercises that build observation skills for appreciating & entering the "umwelt" (an animal's perception of its world), reading body language on a detailed and whole body basis. These skills will focus on the dog's sensory input, external body language, understanding breathing, use of space, orientation, geometry, tension & more.  With this information, you will improve your observation skills; learn how to really see instead of just looking, and how to watch fine and subtle details from the dogs. 

Sunday April 14th 9am - 5pm: Arousal, Brakes and Steering.
Do you struggle with a dog who seems to be part rocket and part rock-head? Is your dog is ready to conquer his next title? Or does he worry about the dog next door?  Do you wish you knew how to keep your dog in the Think & Learn zone?  Wonder how your dog can tell you when things are “just right” or beginning to be “not so good”? Wonder how to keep the drive and enthusiasm but also have some brakes and steering? (*pls see demo dog info blow)
Many dog owners and all trainers struggle with the wide range of training and behavior issues that have their origin in arousal, sensory stimulation and reactivity. Whether you’re an owner of one of these dogs, an old pro or a new trainer, you and your dog will benefit from Suzanne Clothier’s  approach to understanding arousal, reactivity, behavior and performance, how dogs think & learn (or don’t!) when aroused, perfect performance vs. perfect train wreck, and how to help your dog be the best they can be. Her Relationship Centered Approach is sensible, humane and effective. Topics covered are, for example:  The physiology of arousal (understanding ANS (sympathetic, parasympathetic & enteric), chronic stress & the damage it can do, productive & non-productive arousal, fear & anxiety & their effects on learning.
The Elemental Questions (tm) The dog and his world, Sensory input & sensory sorting
The Think & Learn zone (tm) (why your dog needs to be in this zone, how to see when he’s leaving the zone & how to get him back, understanding the Stimulus Gradient)
What the dog can tell you (how observable behaviors reflect physiological changes, the power of volitional posture shifts)
Putting it all together (Promoting, provoking or preventing – handler contributions, Being the best handler & team-mate for your dog)

 “Say Hi 1-2-3 Greetings” / dog-dog greetings will also be covered during this day. (*)

Saturday Evening Lecture 7-9.30pm: 
From Maddening to Maturity: Understanding & Helping the Adolescent Dog

Do you wonder where your once wonderful puppy went? And why has he turned into a sometimes maddening, unpredictable, maybe even out of control adolescent? Relax – you’re not alone. “Teenage” dogs are everywhere, and sometimes, driving their owners crazy. For many dog owners, the 2-3 year long period of adolescence is problematic. Sadly, a majority of dogs are no longer with their original owners by time they are 1 year old.

This evening lecture will help you better understand what adolescence means for your dog, for you, and for your relationship. Even with a great start in puppyhood – classes, socialization, play dates, training – many dogs hit adolescence and become frustrating, unruly.
While puzzling to many owners, this is a natural progression.

• Did you know that adolescence begins around 20 weeks of age?

• That a year old dog is roughly the equivalent of a 14 year human?

• That adulthood in the dog begins at 2-4 years of age?

• That the most annoying teenage dogs are usually geniuses?

The lecture will help you

• understand why angels pups become annoying adolescents

• recognize the warning signs that you need to make changes

• how to use effective, humane RCT techniques to rebalance the relationship

• avoid raising a “trust fund baby”

• guide your dog safely through teenage years into marvelous maturity!

When you understand your adolescent dog better, you can settle into the work and joys of helping them grow into a wonderful adult dog. The kind of adult dog that makes people say, “Oh, I wish I had a dog like that!” while you smile and wonder if they knew him as a teenager.


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    Training Your Dog
